Posted 3/5/23
What it is to "Be American"?
What makes you "American"?
How can we better export this way of thinking to those around the globe that are unfamiliar with our culture and way of life that so many Americans embrace on a daily basis?
To me, this Creed is the best example I've come across as to how I want to pursue Life, Liberty and Happyness!
God bless in your pursuits!
Silence DoGood
I live each day, in an ever-changing landscape, with the assurance that our Heavenly Father is everything…that, without Him, everything is nothing.
Speak this to others, but recognize timing. ‘Hate the sin, not the sinner’ may be challenging at times, but essential.
I wish to be accepting, but never to the point that goes against the Word. I can be tolerant, but not trampled upon. ‘America the beautiful’ may get beat up and bruised at times, but she is still beautiful. Nurture her, help to heal her. Never lose sight that her colors are red, white & blue. Many have and will fight to preserve those colors in the name of what those colors represent. Life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. Yes…red, white, blue, stars & stripes is my America. The colors of the rainbow, triangles, checkerboard floors & sixes forever remind me that we are in this world, but not of it.
I wish to help others without losing myself.
Smile as often as possible.
Laugh often.
Unabashedly cry my eyes out when I need to.
Live more in Christ each day.
Above all….Love.