Crazy times call for crazy measures.
By Silence DoGood
Considering how unethical all social media companies have been with our data, it's time to have a great reset with social media. What individuals of all ages are spiritually consuming on ALL CIA/CCP propaganda devices (smartphones, tablets and basically anything with an Internet connection) are worse than cigarettes and maybe even alcohol considering the destruction that can take place, particularly with children; between the ecosystem and subtleties, coupled with a culture permeated into devices, it has become a far more deceptive practice, and extremely lucrative for those who have exploited these weaknesses for their ill-gotten gains.
The hypocrisy and double-speak inside Corporations and Governments is at a boiling point. Venezuela is a "fair and just barometer" for the United States, as many of their hardest working people came to the United States in search for a better life. People are tired. They have seen enough BS. Someone just push the button already so we can rebuild a Godly world that our children's children will be proud of.
I declare it time to take down ALL Social media, unless they abide by very strict laws under Law and Order, as these Corporations, many born under the CIA and/or CCP, act as their own Monopolies AND Utilities! Just because they are a digital service only does not mean that the Governments interpretation of US Antitrust Law should be different for these Corporations. There are people inside Government knowingly perpetrating laws that are making fortunes from the plunder of the American soul. Chew on that, America.
The Chevron deference case reversing 40 years of courts deferring to US 3-4 letter agencies as the "so called experts" was significant and should hopefully make some more heads roll in Government which is badly needed. End the Racket. War is a Racket.
Challenge: Let's see how many Federal Government employees President Trump can "retire" in his first 100 days in office. Take your pension and TSP and just GTFO. You'll be lucky to never hear from the Government again. If you do hear from the Continuity Government, you'd best comply. Will President Trump accept this challenge of offering "retirement packages" to unlawful Government Agencies under the United States Constitution? Many of these people just report to work and truly don't know the scope of what is going on, but they would very quickly if there were mass layoffs for those who didn't take early retirement. Can Trump hit 10% early retirement in 100 days? 20%? 33%? 80%... Pull an Elon on those that don't take the package and who are genuinely bloat. We will need high quality Government employees to restaff the absolutely necessary Government work - simply look to the US Constitution for guidance for a start!
Goodnight, love you all.
Silence DoGood